The ESC Foundation participated as speaker from 17 to 20 July this year in the international workshop for the conservation of dry forests, organized by Manchester Metropolitan University, British Council, Newton Fund and the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, held in the city of Lima, Peru.
The purpose of the research workshop was to discuss the research priorities for the conservation of dry forest ecosystems in South America.The workshop focused on developing a better understanding of the species that inhabit dry forests and the interaction between these ecosystems, biodiversity and the human communities that inhabit them, in addition, the workshop generated spaces for the exchange of information and experiences among the 30 attendees from five countries; Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Argentina and the United Kingdom.
The foundation Dry Ecosystems of Colombia under the coordination of the director Gina Marcela Rodríguez had participation with the presentation of "Implementation of dry forest conservation actions by NGOs: What are their difficulties and challenges?".