Declaration Protected Areas

Tropical dry forests are in a critical condition of fragmentation at worldwide level, of the original covers that covered 9,000,000 hectares (22,239,484 acres) in Colombia only less than 8% remains, despite this, the Dry Forests have low representativeness in the National System of Protected Areas since of the existing remnants only 5.4% is under some category of protection. So, one of the integral strategies for its management has been to increase the areas for conservation, ecological restoration, and enrichment of the affected areas such as secondary forests and stubble, in order to connect future forest remnants Dry.

For this reason the ESC Foundation team since 2010 has been working hard in partnership with other entities such as the Autonomous Regional Corporation of the Atlantic (RCA) and municipal councils for the implementation of this conservation strategy, which has allowed us to lead the process of declaration of 5 protected areas totaling 5,947.12 hectares (14,695.65 acres) distributed in the Department of Atlántico and Bolívar.

Puedes apoyarnos de tres maneras: Patrocinio, Colaboración y Voluntariado

Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia

Pradomar Puerto Colombia, Colombia


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