Each research, conservation or restoration project that the ESC Foundation executes and leads, has as an indispensable actor and strategically the community that inhabits the territories where the ecosystems of interest are located.
As a foundation, we believe that the success of the projects is greatly due to the social appropriation of the processes and to the dialogue of knowledge between science and the traditional knowledge of the communities which allow reaching agreements for the sustainable use of ecosystems.
For this reason, for the establishment of protected areas such as; Palmar del Tití, El Palomar, Luriza, El Ceibal and Rosales, we have made the characterization of the socioeconomic component of the communities that inhabit there from the implementation of workshops, characterization of actors, review of technical information of the territory, the census of the families, identification of conflicts in the area and the economic activity of the same. With this information, our work team planned the community workshops and with the environmental authorities, where the conservation objects, ecological attributes, threats, prioritization zones and the design of monitoring strategies for each protected area were identified.