Since 11 November 2018 the team of professionals belonging to the Foundation Dry Ecosystems of Colombia, Universidad del Norte, Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad de Antioquia, National Natural Parks of Colombia and Alexander von Humboldt Institute, carried out as part of the cooperation agreement of the Dry Forest Monitoring Network, Caribbean Node, the re-census of 3 permanent monitoring plots of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) established in the Los Colorados Flora and Fauna Sanctuary (Bolívar), Tayrona National Park (Magdalena) and the Macuira Natural National Park (La Guajira).
Within the activities carried out during the month of November until December 6, the data of mortality, recruitment, diametric increase, taxonomic validation by experts, collection of fertile samples, and maintenance arrangements of the plots were recorded. For the 3 plots (3 hectares or 7.4 acres in total) more than 5,000 individuals were re-census and more than 300 new individuals were recruited, data that will help us together to understand the behavior of the dry forests in the different areas of distribution in which In addition to answering questions, there are questions about structure and floristic diversity, functional ecology, and the distribution and origin of the species present in these ecosystems.