Establishment of baseline conglomerates and permanent monitoring plots in the Colombian Caribbean as part of the National Forest Inventory.
The National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a National megaproject that has as purpose to provide periodic information on the condition of Colombian forests from the statistical analysis of composition variables, structure, floristic diversity, aerial biomass degradation, condition indicators, demand and pressure, which will provide information for the monitoring and follow up of the ecosystems of each biogeographic region of Colombia. The NFI, through its national methodology seeks to unify and provide methodological standards for the collection of information oriented to the characterization of forests and other coverage with the purpose that the information provided serves as a basis for decision making at the jurisdictional, regional and national level.
The design of the NFI was carried out under the coordination of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM by its initials in Spanish), with support of the Ministry of the Environment, autonomous regional corporations and academic actors. Higher Studies Foundation Comfanorte (FESC by its initials in Spanish) under the coordination of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute has established 58 conglomerates and 4 permanent monitoring plots to date.
MinAmbiente, IDEAM, Alexander von Humboldt Institute
The Colombian Caribbean and the inter-Andean valleys
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