Declaration Protected Areas

proyecto area el palomar
  • P1120573
  • P1130822
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The El Palomar Reserve is located in the Municipality of Piojó in the northwest of the department of Atlántico, has an extension of 772.3 hectares (1,908.4 acres) and is composed of 19 private properties.

For the establishment of this protected area, 8 conservation objects were considered, such as the dry forests, the birth and natural watercourses, the native palm groves, the threatened plant species Aspidosperma polyneuron, the Brosimum alicastrum (Guáimaro or Ramon), the endemic primate Saguinus oedipus (cotton-top tamarin Titi) the American mazama (Red brockets or Deer), the archaeological and paleontological zone of indigenous ancestral communities. Therefore, the declaration of this protected area increased the representativeness of the TDF in the National System of Protected Areas (SINAP by its initials in Spanish) and promoted the conservation of native and endemic species

  • Partner

    Corporación Autónoma Regional del Atlántico, Municipality Goverment of Piojó,  Conserva Colombia Program, The Nature Conservancy, Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez.

  • Status


  • Location

    Atlántico - Colombia

Puedes apoyarnos de tres maneras: Patrocinio, Colaboración y Voluntariado

Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia

Pradomar Puerto Colombia, Colombia


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