Scientific Events

proyecto cooperacion iii congreso ecosistemas 01

III International Congress of Dry Ecosystems. 9-13 November 2008, Estelar Santamar Convention Center, Santa Marta, Colombia.

The ESC Foundation was the organizing and convening institution of the event, its activities included:

1. The management of resources for the financing of the Congress through the linking of 15 national institutions.

2. Invitation to National and International Speakers.

3. National and international call for different environmental sectors.

4. Disclosure of academic activities to be developed.

5. Organization and Execution of the Conference Presentation Program.

  • Partner

    MinAmbiente, Universidad de Magdalena, Alexander von Humboldt Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Colciencias.

  • Status


  • Location

    Santa marta

Puedes apoyarnos de tres maneras: Patrocinio, Colaboración y Voluntariado

Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia

Pradomar Puerto Colombia, Colombia


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