Living room Manigua Universidad de la Amazonía, August 20, 2019
IV Research Symposium in Dry Forests of Colombia: Generation of knowledge for its integral management. The Symposium is the product of the unification of the initial proposal of the Tropical Dry Forest-Col Network and Alexander von Humboldt Institute with the proposed of the University of Tolima and UNAD.
We present the first bulletin of the Latin American Network of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest in which the most current news of the activities carried out by the network are detailed.
Since 11 November 2018 the team of professionals belonging to the Foundation Dry Ecosystems of Colombia, Universidad del Norte, Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad de Antioquia, National Natural Parks of Colombia and Alexander von Humboldt Institute, carried out as part of the cooperation agreement of the Dry Forest Monitoring Network, Caribbean Node, the re-census of 3 permanent monitoring plots of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) established in the Los Colorados Flora and Fauna Sanctuary (Bolívar), Tayrona National Park (Magdalena) and the Macuira Natural National Park (La Guajira).
During October 19-21, 2018, our fourth meeting of the DRYFLOR Network was held with the main partners from Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and the United Kingdom, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, in Quito financed by CYTED. Topics on diversity and monitoring of plants in dry Latin American forests were discussed. We were very happy to meet again with our friends Dryfloreños.
On September 24 in the city of Brasilia, the Scientific Director of the ESC Foundation, Karina Banda, participated in the annual meeting of coordinators of thematic networks of the CYTED program. The DRYFLOR network within Area 4 "Sustainable Development, Global Change and Ecosystems" presented the advances and experiences in CYTED's first year of support.