Declaration Protected Areas

  • proyecto_area_los_rosales_01
  • P1100661

Located in the forested areas of Lomas de Juan Congo, in the Municipality of Luruaco - Atlántico, it has an area of 1,304.4 hectares (3,223.2 acres) comprised of three plots, it represents one of the main habitats for cotton-top tamarin and a patch of dry forest in good condition.

The management plan was formulated following the methodology of planning for the conservation of areas -PCA, developed by The Nature Conservancy; 8 conservation objects were defined: bodies of water, community of typical birds of the Dry Forest, communities of timber species, fauna used for human consumption or commercialization, cotton-top tamarin, Titi, the bitter palm (Sabal mauritiformis) and the ancestral knowledge of medicinal plants.


  • Partner

    Corporación Autónoma Regional del Atlántico, The Nature Conservancy, Interconexión Eléctrica ISA S.A, Municipal government of Luruaco.

  • Status


  • Location

    Lomas de Juan Congo, Municipality of Luruaco , Atlántico - Colombia

Puedes apoyarnos de tres maneras: Patrocinio, Colaboración y Voluntariado

Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia

Pradomar Puerto Colombia, Colombia


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