Declaration Protected Areas

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  • P1140379
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This protected area is located in the municipality of Santa Catalina de Alejandría in the Department of Bolívar, on the border with the Department of Atlántico.

The Ceibal-Titi Monkey has a total extension of 421.39 hectares (1,041.3 acres) and represents one of the most important relicts of dry forest in the Colombian Caribbean plain, where there is also a natural population of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), an endemic species of Colombia and in serious danger of extinction. In the protected area there are two more species of primates: Alouatta seniculus (red howler) and Cebus capuchinus (white-faced monkey) and other large mammal species such as American Mazama (Red brockets or deer), Bradypus variegatus (brown-throated sloth), Eira barbara (tayra) , Sciurus granatensis (red squirrel) and Dasyprocta fuliginosa (black agouiti), which give the area great importance in the faunal aspect. The RNP Ceibal-Mono Titi borders the Los Rosales RNP (Atlantic), constituting an important nucleus for the conservation of the dry forest in the Caribbean.

  • Partner

    Corporación Autónoma Regional del Canal del Dique (CARDIQUE), The Nature Conservancy,  Interconexión Electrica ISA S.A, Proyecto Tití Foundation

  • Status


  • Location

    The  municipality of Santa Catalina de Alejandría,Bolívar - Colombia

Puedes apoyarnos de tres maneras: Patrocinio, Colaboración y Voluntariado

Fundación Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia

Pradomar Puerto Colombia, Colombia


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